As stop drinking? The regular consumption of alcohol quite quickly begins to be perceived as a norm. In any situation, the person begins to tell the alcohol is right. Thoughts on how to tie with the alcohol, I was afraid of what the events are less bright. Little by little the habit becomes a disease, break of the health, the personality, the human and professional relationships.

How to understand what is urgent the need to stop drinking alcohol? On the fact that the alcohol has already become a vital of the rule, show a morning hangover and the frequent changes of mood.
How to get rid of the binge? Alcohol dependence requires urgent and effective treatment. The main obstacle for him is the fact that an alcoholic does not recognize the existence of problems, found a lot of self-justification and not looking for a way to get rid of their dependency. If you want to stop drinking alcohol, but simply do not know how to do this, the problem half solved.
How to get rid of alcoholism? Seriously reflect on how to stop drinking, you must frequent partying (more than 1 time per month) and the need to increase the dose. If after the party starts the fight, it means that the alcoholism became His diagnosis. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Procedure of treatment methods
How to stop drinking alcohol with medicine? The therapy with medications directed at suppressing the negative effects of the reception of ethanol, the treatment of the comorbid mental disorders and somatic diseases caused by prolonged alcohol poisoning in the body. As she is the one that helps to get rid of alcoholism?
With the help of detoxification, relaxing, multivitamin and tonic of the means is the neutralization of toxic action of ethanol and drug abuse from alcohol dependence.
How to stop drinking alcohol, using a drug? With the use of drugs artificially, it creates a "chemical protection", in which the reception of alcoholic beverages significantly decreases the well-being of the patient. In the composition of drugs courses also include medications from the group of the tranquillizers and antidepressants, and when expressed anxiety or aggression are shown neuroleptics.
As always to stop drinking alcohol with medicine? The disadvantage of the method of treatment of alcoholism is that a series of drugs act symptomatically and do not influence the course of the dependency.
And as rid of the patients of alcohol dependence in the world? Effective medicines used in countries with a medicine, are not available national of patients and drugs for aversion therapy on the basis of the patient drinks and taking disulfiram or cyanamide allow you to finally overcome the cravings only with the informed admission and the high level of motivation of an alcoholic.

How to stop drinking with medication? Without considering the psychological factor and the floor of the personal interests the pharmacological treatment of alcoholism struggle with the consequence that it does not affect the causes of a problem. In addition, it does not outweigh the mental changes, it has a large list of contraindications and it is very difficult to tolerated by patients. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Prohibit the methodology
As stop drinking? One of the most popular methods of release from alcoholism is the encoding. The method aims to block the reception of ethanol and can be effective in the stage of formation of the unit, when biological and psychological changes are minimal, the criticism is not reduced, and the personality is not destroyed due to the alcoholism.
How to get rid of the binge with the help of the encoding? The method is based on the unity of the prohibition of alcohol consumption in a given period, for fear of negative consequences. Quite often after the completion of this term, the person, especially with an alcoholic strength of experience, begins to abuse alcoholic beverages, to an even greater degree (the so-called lingering effect of prohibition). How to stop drinking alcohol?
Alternative methods of
How to stop drinking alcohol? A series of techniques is based on the principle of a different approach, and is controlled by admission of alcoholic beverages and developing in them the normal reaction of the body.
How to get rid of alcoholism with the help of alternative treatments? The lack of them, in addition to the obligation of the informed approach, consists in the long — 8 months duration of the course. Therefore, prior to completion is not more than 2 % of patients. In addition, if the alcohol treatment does not lead to the denial of the alcoholic beverages, cannot be considered effective. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Psychotherapeutic methodology

How to get rid of alcohol dependence? An integral part of the therapy of alcoholism is psychotherapy. Its main objective is the recognition of the patient, the fact of the dependence and loss of self-control. As psychotherapy helps you stop drinking alcohol? It has various forms — conversations with the psychiatrist-a psychiatrist, individual and collective, of the methodology. As she is the one that helps you stop drinking?
In the early stages of alcoholism psychotherapy is momentneos and the specific character. It helps the patient to resolve any downs of life, which are the cause of alcohol-related diseases. In the future, psychotherapeutic techniques are applied in order to increase the level of motivation of the patient. And as you get rid of alcohol dependence?
How to get rid of the booze and not to become a victim?
How to stop drinking alcohol? It is no secret that many of the impure in the hands of the entrepreneurs try to gain the will of the people to get rid of the addiction to alcohol. They say that they know exactly how to quickly and forever, stop drinking alcohol without any kind of work, and the work on oneself on the part of the patient. Often the fraudulent schemes are protected by licenses, and well advertised. How to stop drinking alcohol?
The Method Of Allen Carr
"I want to stop drinking alcohol, but I don't know how to do it", thinks the man, who entered the dependency of alcohol. When the millions of alcoholics in the world to find the answer to the question "How to stop drinking alcohol?" has helped the book of allen carr "an Easy way to stop drinking". Many of them took advantage of the methodology of the recommendation that has overcome your dependency with your help before. As this book helps to pull of drinking alcohol?
The effectiveness of the method of carr explains what the main difference of the methods based on the application of the force of will. He clearly affirms that is the damage of alcohol:
- the financial costs;
- pathological dependence;
- the negative attitude of the society;
- risk to the health.

But emphasizing these aspects does not occur, as is and without explanation it is well known alcoholics. The approach of the method of allen carr are the reasons that compel the population to consume alcoholic beverages, despite the apparent damage. As this helps to fasten it with the alcohol?
Carr shows that the man does not leave with the alcohol because of to fears. This fears:
- to stay without the support and pleasure;
- remain impotent in the face of stress.
- losing one of the pleasures of life;
- to be helpless against the withdrawal symptoms and the irresistible push to the alcohol;
- that the craving of alcohol definitely will never happen.